
rustic line C (industrial but of quality)

A wide range of products with

the convenience of purchasing

ready - finished


art. C/4005 mod.Pesante 2 spalliere

art. C/4010 mod.Pesante 3 spalliere

art. C/4015 mod.Barolo

art. C/4020 mod.Contadina

art. C/4025 mod.Marocca

art. C/4030 mod.Friuli

art. C/4036 mod. Sgabello rustico alto

art. C/4037 mod.Sgabello rustico medio

art. C/4038 mod.Sgabello rustico basso

art. C/4050 mod.Mara

art. C/4055 mod.Campagnola

art. C/4060 Sgabello alto

art. C/4091 Sgabello medio

art. C/4092 Sgabello basso

finiture rustico linea c

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finiture rustico linea c "TESSUTI"